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My most known publications

There are publications written mostly in Polish, therefore this page is useful more for Polish visitors.

Below listed more important publication except publication written to 1th Polish Medical Internet's Journal "Galen" edited 1994-1995, which are not available on line now.

  1. Spiewak R., Kasztelowicz P., Staniak G. Publikowanie w Internecie - W: (red.) Szymas J., Spiewak R.- Lekarski Internet Lublin 1995
    written common with Radoslaw Spiewak and Grzegorz Staniak edited and presented at First Polish Medical Internet's Conference in Poznan, 1995

  2. Kasztelowicz P.,Ludwichowski J.B., Kozinski M., Globalny system plikow na serwerze alex.boa.uni.torun.pl, W: ( red. ) Szymas J., Spiewak R. - Lekarski Internet Lublin 1995
    edited and presented at First Polish Medical Internet's Conference in Poznan, 1995.
    Co-authors from University's Computerisation Group of Nicholas Copernicus University

  3. Kasztelowicz P., Wolniewicz T., Gorecka M. Protokol X.500 w Polsce i na swiecie, W: ( red. ) Szymas J., Spiewak R. - Lekarski Internet Lublin 1995
    edited and presented at First Polish Medical Internet's Conference in Poznan, 1995.
    Co-authors from Computing Centre and Multiprocesors System's Centre of Nicholas Copernicus University

  4. Kasztelowicz P. Koncepcja informacji na serwerach WWW - globalna i rozproszona, W: ( red. ) Szymas J., Spiewak R. - Lekarski Internet Lublin 1995
    edited and presented at First Polish Medical Internet's Conference in Poznan, 1995

  5. Kasztelowicz P., Spiewak R. Czy Internet jest potrzebny polskim medykom? Gazeta Lekarska 1996; 3:71-73
    written with R. Spiewak to "Gazeta Lekarska" most known Polish journal for physycians edited by Polish Medical Chamber. First publication about Internet in this journal!

  6. Kasztelowicz P. Mozliwosci wykorzystania sieci Internet w kardiologii Projekt, Torun 1996

  7. Kasztelowicz P. , Internet - w kardiologii, stymulacji serca i elektrofizjologii, ESS 1996; 3(3): 299-302 and Supplement to this article
    Article about Internet in cardiology, particulary in cardiac pacing edited in journal of Working Group of Cardiac pacing of Polish Cardiac Society. First publication about Internet in this journal!
    written in Polish report about possibility to use Internet in cardiology in Polish avalliable on-line.

  8. Kasztelowicz P., Situation and needs of Polish medical Internet, report for Stefan Batory Foundation and Open Society Institute of Georg Soros. "Internet dla Lekarzy"
    Polish translation by M.Tuszynski

  9. Kasztelowicz P., "Polski Internet '98" - Sytuacja i potrzeby polskiego Internetu medycznego. Aktualizacja raportu dla Fundacji Batorego w ramach programu IdL z marca 1998r. Tylko w j.polskim.
    The next edition of described above report for Stefan Batory Foundation - only in Polish

  10. Kasztelowicz P. Internet medyczny w Toruniu. Referat wygloszony na III Forum Administratorow Sieci Lokalnych Sieci TORMAN, grudzien 1996
    presented on 3rd Meeting of LAN Administrators of TORMAN

  11. Kasztelowicz P. Kardiologia w Internecie - referat w Internecie. Referat wygloszony na zebraniu naukowym Oddzialu Warszawkiego PTK, luty 1997 -dostepny w Internecie. presented on Conference in March, 1997 at
    Warsaw Branch of Polish Cardiac Society

  12. Kasztelowicz P. Polski Internet Medyczny. Historia i terazniejszosc. Magazyn Internet 1996; 7:18-19
    Article about history of Polish medical Internet written to "Magazyn Internet" - Polish journal about Internet .

  13. Kasztelowicz P. Medyczne serwery WWW w Polsce, Magazyn Internet 1996;7:20-21
    Article about Polish Medical WWW services written to "Magazyn Internet" - Polish journal about Internet .

  14. Kasztelowicz P. Kardiologia w Komputerze, Forum Kardiologow 1997;1-2:38-41
    Article in known journal published by Lodz Centre written about using computers and modern informatics technology in informations interchange in cardiology (partly based upon more free written reports)

  15. Kasztelowicz P. Jakosc w Internecie medycznym, 2. Konferencja Internetu Medycznego 28-29.11.1997
    publication for Conference of Polish Medical Internet November, 28-29, 1997. (written in Polish)

  16. Kasztelowicz P. Komputer - czarna magia czy skok w XXI w. Lekarz i komputer, 2. Konferencja Internetu Medycznego 28-29.11.1997
    publication for 2nd. Conference of Polish Medical Internet November, 28-29, 1997. (written in Polish)

  17. Kasztelowicz P., Moskal A. Artykul o 2.Konferencji Internetu Med. opublikowany w Medycynie Praktycznej nr 11/97
    Article written in Polish published with A.Moskal about 2nd. Conference PMI in medical journal Medycyna Praktyczna

  18. Kasztelowicz P., Guzik P., Moskal A., Strzondala M., Drozdz J., Szelatynska M.J., Polska kardiologiczna lista dyskusyjna - KARDO-L@man.torun.pl

  19. Poster presented in 2nd. International Congress of Polish Cardiac Society , September 4-6, 1998

  20. Kasztelowicz P., Kozinski M., Czubenko M. Intranet, medycyna - dalej niz sie wydaje?
    presentation on 3th. Conference of Polish Medical Internet in Gdansk, November 6-7, 1998. Co-authors from University Computerisation's Centre in Torun

  21.  Kasztelowicz P, Guzik P, Drozdz J, Moskal A,. Intranet w gromadzeniu i przetwarzaniu danych w stymulacji serca i elektrofizjologii klinicznej.
    poster presenation on Spring's Conference Working Group of Cardiac Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, May 20-22, 1999. Szczyrk

  22. Kasztelowicz P. Biblioteka medyczna bez ksiazek - Jak to jest mozliwe? U bram wirtualnej czytelni
    presentation on 18th Conference of Medical Libraries, May 26-28 1999 Medical Library of Jagiellonian University Krakow

  23. Drozdz J (moderator), Kasztelowicz P, Czubenko M, Zwierzak M. Zastosowanie Internetu w Kardiologii
    panel discussion on Cardiological Conference in Wloclawek, June 4-5, 1999 Wloclawek

  24. Kasztelowicz P. Internet medyczny - sukcesy czy porazki? - Historia jednego
    serwera od 1996-1999 roku.
    presentation on organized by me 4th Conference of Polish Medical Internet in Torun, November 12-13, 1999

  25. Kasztelowicz P. Rak pluca - "droga chorego" od rozpoznania do leczenia w Polsce.
    presentation on 4th World Polish Medical Congress, Warszawa, June 1-4 2000

  26. J. Drozdz, L. Chrzanowski, P. Kasztelowicz, P. Guzik, J.D. Kasprzak, E. Jankowski, T. Rosiak, R. Bartkowiak, M. Krzeminska-Pakula A recent update on risk factors, treatment, and complications of acute myocardial infarction in Poland: POLish multicentre WEB-based registry on Acute Myocardial Infarction (POL-WEB-AMI)
    XXIInd Annual Congress Amsterdam, The Netherlands August 26-30, 2000

  27. P. Kasztelowicz Medyczne listy dyskusyjne - nowe wyzwania - czyli rzecz o ludziach - nie o komputerach i technologii
    5th. Conference of Polish Medical Internet - Poznan, November 10-11, 2000

  28. P. Kasztelowicz Internet medyczny i telemedycyna - wplyw nowych srodkow komunikacji na oblicze medycyny
    5th. Conference of Polish Medical Internet - Poznan, November 10-11, 2000

  29. P. Kasztelowicz, M. Czubenko, I. Zieba Kontrola dostepu do serwera - podstawowe zabezpieczenie dla serwera Internetowego w dwoch wydaniach - tcpwrapper i tcpserver - W. Venema kontra D. Bernstein?
    5th. Conference of Polish Medical Internet - Poznan, November 10-11, 2000

  30. P. Kasztelowicz Formularze - jako przyklad prostych rozwiazan pocztowych i bazodanowych
    5th. Conference of Polish Medical Internet - Poznan, November 10-11, 2000

  31. P.Guzik, J.Drozdz, K.Rzetecka, P.Kasztelowicz, T.Rosiak, L.Chrzanowski, E.Jankowski, J.Kasprzak, M.Krzeminska-Pakula, H.Wysocki Treatment, complications and rescue revascularization procedures in older patients in Poland - POLish multicentre WEB-based trial on acute myocardial infarction (POL-WEB-AMI)
    XXIII Congress of European Cardiac Society, September, 1-5 Stockholm 2001

  32. P.Kasztelowicz Bezpieczenstwo danych w sieciach Intranet i Internet. Aspekty prawne
    Presentation on 5th International Kongress of Polish Cardiac Society held September, 27-29 2001 in Warsaw

  33. P.Kasztelowicz Using Internet for Telemedicine in Cardiology and Pneumonology - the general strategy Presentation on Inter- and intradisciplinary telemedicine application Jablonna, May, 23-25,2002
    The Power-Point presentation is here

  34. P.Kasztelowicz, M.Czubenko, I.Zieba Security of medical data transfer and storage in Internet. Cryptography, Antiviral security and Electronic signatures. Problem, wich must be solved in nearest future Presentation on Inter- a nd intradisciplinary telemedicine application Jablonna, May, 23-25,2002
    The Power-Point presentation is here, edited in Polish Journal of Pathology and indexed in Medline - Pol J Pathol. 2003;54(3):209-14

  35. P.Kasztelowicz Profesjonalna informacja medyczna w Internecie. Sieci indywidualne - czy moga byc lekarstwem na wspolczesne zagrozenia Internetu?
    Presentation on 6th Polish Medical Internet Conference held October, 2002 in Cracow. The Power Point presentation is here

  36. P.Kasztelowicz Doctors - the role of creating and promoting high quality medical information on the Internet
    Presentation on "E-health in Common Europe" - presentation in PowerPoint is here

  37. P. Kasztelowicz Telemedicine - innovation or everyday life?
    poster on 1st International Conference on Telemedicine and MultimediaCommunication, Kajetany, 10-12.10.2003

  38. P.Kasztelowicz Internetowa ankieta jako skuteczna forma pozyskiwania i analizowania danychna temat nalogu w grupie internautow-palaczy (in Polish)
    Presentation in Polish on "Tyton i Zdrowie" conference in Poznan, 2004 - the PowerPoint presentation of this article is here

  39. P.Kasztelowicz Medical information assymetry in cyberworld of Manuel Castells
    "E-health in common Europe", Second Conference, March, 2004 (listed in Medline)

  40. P. Kasztelowicz Internet-based knowledge in medical practice. Should doctors be under Obligation to search information in each case? -
    3rd International Conference on Telemedicine & Multimedia Communication - 21-23.10.2005 - Kajetany - PowerPoint presentation thisi is here

  41. P. Kasztelowicz Wiedza medyczna oparta na Internecie w praktyce lekarskiej presentation 6th World Polish Medical Congress (VI Swiatowy Kongres Polonii Medycznej), Katowice 2006

  42. P. Kasztelowicz Medyczne systemy informatyczne - bezpieczenstwo sieci komputerowych (czesc I) - Nowotwory 2006; 56(4):483
    publication written to Journal of Onkology about safety of medical computing network - part 1

  43. P. Kasztelowicz Medyczne systemy informatyczne - bezpieczenstwo sieci komput erowych (czesc II) - Nowotwory 2006;56(5):605
    publication written to Journal of Onkology about safety of medical comput ing network - part 2

  44. P. Wudarski, P. Kasztelowicz Analiza typow raka pluca w latach 2003-2005 - 29 Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Chorob Pluc, Opole 2006
    poster presentation on 29th Congress of Polish Respiratory Society, September, 14-17 2006 - to see this poster click please here

  45. P. Kasztelowicz Surfing the Web - Searching the Internet can yield best practices and clinical guidelines for healthcare providers - Healthcare Informatics2007 May;24(5):51-2
    listed in MEDLINE, about Internet based medical practice

  46. P. Kasztelowicz, Profilaktyka raka pluca w populacji palaczy tytoniu w powiecie torunskim
    1. Konferencja Naukowa - postepy w leczeniu raka pluca 2007 (1st Conference - Polish Lung Cancer Working Group, Warsaw, November 30, 2007)

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This Page is placed since 1994 on www.mat.uni.torun.pl - server of Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Nicholas Copernicus University in Torun. and since July, 22. 1999 on our own medical Torun Medical Servers Team's server (www.am.torun.pl) granted by Sun Microsystem. Last changes February, 20. 2008